We wanted to thank everyone that we've met through this site for your friendship and support and helping us downsize so we could move closer to the hospital in Burlington. We're fairly well settled in and are enjoying the holidays in our new apartment, while dealing with an endless stream of medical appointments and tests. I've made it to the end of this year, alive, with the constant care of my husband Steven and the vigilant work of my doctors who have consistently given above and beyond and worked countless unbillable hours in order to keep me going. Hopefully, with their help, I'll be able to get the medical care I need in the coming year to continue to live. I don't want this to be my last Christmas.
So, along that line we have a couple of new sites that we wanted you to know about. The first is www.HelpRachelBreathe.com. It has a lot of information about the progression of my medical conditions and the need for an experimental airway transplant that will be grown from my own stem cells. It also has articles and video from news interviews, and even a science program that I was honored to be a part of. Secondly, we have created a simple blog site, similar to this, to sell items donated to help raise the funds I need for my medical care - as so much of it (such as the transplant) is experimental and not covered by insurance. That site is http://helprachelbreathe.blogspot.com. Please feel free to look around and visit often and items will be added as they are donated and we're able to get them online.
We feel fortunate to have met so many wonderful people as we prepared for our move and it's hard to believe we've been in our new location for about 6 months already. Thank you all for the kindness and compassion that you showed to us. Have wonderful holidays with many blessings.
Rachel and Steven